Get Discovered in moments that matter, across platforms.

The “Near Me” experience is no longer just about a physical location. Today, when consumers search for brands near them they have the world of digital at their fingertips and it's more important than ever to deliver an effortless 'Near me' Brand Experience across all touchpoints, be it Search engines, Maps, Apps, Local Web Directories, Social Media Platforms or Voice Assistants.

If they can’t discover you, they won’t shop with you.

With SingeInterface Local Business Listings, you can ensure that your retail locations get discovered in the moments that matter, moments when the consumer is searching for your product or service near them – saving your business time and money!

Centralized control of Listings through our local cloud.

Keeping your local listings up-to-date across the digital ecosystem comprising maps, search engines, social platforms, voice assistants, directories is a job that can be time consuming, but there are ways to make it easier.By signing up with SingleInterface, you get the advantage of managing all your locations from a single place. By centrally managing your location data across your own assets like store locators on your website and third party assets like listings on Google Maps, Bing Maps, Facebook, Instagram and other directories, you make sure there is always a single source of truth for all your locations data across the digital ecosystem. You won’t have to ever worry about incorrect information on your location’s listings leading to bad customer experience.

Always Accurate & Consistent.

The more accurate your location data across the digital ecosystem, the better are your chances to get more customers. Customers may be able to discover your location listings, but all the effort will go in vain if they are not able to reach your business through location specific websites, accurate phone numbers, instant chat, correct lat long so that they can reach your business through maps. Inaccurate location listing information not only means potential loss of business, it also leads to loss of trust in your business. 61%( Source - a think with google study ) of customers lose trust in a brand if information provided is incorrect and are willing to consider visiting a competitor's location. Consumers blame the brand, not the Search Engine, if data is incorrect.

Consistent data across the digital ecosystem is also a very strong signal to search engines on the authenticity of your business’ data resulting in a better quality score and thus higher rankings & impressions.

Boost your location presence on Social Media.

Facebook offers businesses immense potential to grow and interact with their customer base. Make sure you're fully utilizing the power of Facebook by managing your location pages on this platform! Through SingleInterface, we map each of your locations and connect them to your brand page on Facebook. Consumers visiting your facebook profile can easily browse through your location pages. Each of these location pages can automatically draw post content from the parent brand page or you can choose to put a custom local content on each location page . Once your business locations are pinned on Facebook’s ecosystem, it can be used across Facebook & Instagram. This ensures that your customers always check in or tag your right business locations

Gain Higher visibility in Local Search Ranking

As a National brand you may have done a great job on making your brand website appear on top search engines. But what about your businesses' physical locations ? Do they appear when a customer searches for “Your Brand Near Me” or “Your product category near me” Even if they appear, are they optimised to lead a customer through the conversion path. So, if you are struggling to get your locations rank higher up in search or get discovered in the moments that matter. You have come to the right place. Using our proprietary automation & AI engine, our platform - SingleInterface, makes sure your local business gets the opportunity it deserves to convert high intent digital customers. As we distribute your locations data and content through our partner publisher network including Google Maps, Bing Maps, Facebook, Instagram, Factual, Foursquare etc. we make sure your locations keep gaining a higher share of voice on local search & discovery resulting in more leads & footfalls.

We help you tidy up - No more Duplicate listings on Google Maps

Ever wondered why your retail locations have multiple listings on Google Maps or Facebook ? Google Maps and Facebook are public platforms relying to a large extent on user generated suggestions to keep improving the customer experience. As a brand, you have the opportunity to claim & verify your business listings so that you can take control of your location’s listings. Working through our platform, which uses industry-leading technology, we frequently run our tools to check for duplicate listings mirroring your actual location and act on merging or suppressing these listings so you can go about your business without any worries. With a single authentic & accurate listing representing your physical business location, you can deliver a great seamless customer experience as well.

Be prepared for uncertainty & keep your customers informed using COVID-19 posts on Google My Business

To ensure your customers feel safe and prepared when they visit, share COVID-19 posts on Google My Business to highlight services, security policies, hotlines, and product availability. Through our platform, you can manage these postings across multiple locations from a single source thus helping you navigate the complexity & dynamism of each location during these uncertain times.

Drive Customers to Stores/Each Location is a unique business.

We believe every physical location is unique and shall be treated as such. Your brand may have a national presence, but your retail locations compete with local retailers for local customers . Competition, demographics, preferences, weather conditions, festivals, offers, product mix, inventory all change at a location level. Each of your locations thus needs a place of its own on the web.

Get noticed at a the Local Level for “Near Me” searches

When your locations are optimised to get discovered in the moments that matter, it will lead to higher business for your retail locations. When someone searches for your services or products, it's important that they can find your nearest location and make a purchase easily. Our highly optimised and easy to use store locator enables this discovery. You may have thousands of retail locations but what matters the most to your customers are the locations in their vicinity. You will lose these customers if they are not able to find the nearest locations in a couple of clicks. Our platform makes sure we bring all your locations in front of the relevant consumers.

Local Stores. Local Presence. Local Interactions.

As per this study ( Source ) X % of customers shop within X miles of their home or office. Getting discovered digitally by these customers plays a critical role in your retail businesses’ success. Most of the customer journeys start from search and if your retail locations don’t have presence on search you are missing out on a huge customer acquisition opportunity. How do you build a digital presence for your locations ? At SingleInterface, we use our proprietary technology to build highly optimised and mobile ready pages for each of your business locations. Use these pages to enable interactions between customers and your locations. By bridging the gap between the online discovery and offline interactions, your physical locations can compete with e-commerce & grow their business from local shoppers.

Building location level pages also gives you an opportunity to provide a great experience for your customers. You can enhance these pages with location relevant content like business hours, payment methods accepted, parking availability, featured products, local offers, in-stock products etc. . This will also increase your business’ local SEO rankings because of the relevant data & content you now have on your location pages.

Manage your retail store’s online reputation.

Reviews and ratings play a crucial role when it comes to customer’s decision in picking one business over the other. Today’s digital consumers value social validation when it comes to buying from or visiting a particular business. In such a scenario, can you afford to ignore customer reviews on your retail locations' local listings? Data across lakhs of locations tells us that business locations that garner more reviews, better ratings and are prompt in addressing customer reviews fare far better in local search than the ones which lack on these parameters.

With SingleInterface, you don’t need to worry about monitoring the web 24/7 — we monitor it in a way that you never miss any of those crucial customer posts for your locations.

Better Review Management. Higher Conversions.

Consumers in “buying mode” are always on the lookout for a new store to visit and an easy way to research & evaluate their options online. This has become all the more relevant in the post COVID-19 World, where more and more customers are researching before stepping out to buy. Once a consumer reaches your location’s listing and sees prompt replies from the owner of the business it gives them the confidence to trust the business. High number of reviews, good ratings, prompt replies - all act as a positive signal for the consumer. This opens them up to take a prompt action and choose your business over others in the vicinity.

Positive loop of more reviews, higher discovery

By improving your location's discovery, you kick in a positive loop of getting more reviews which in turn results in improving discovery. Higher the reviews & better the ratings for your location, higher will be the search impressions and consumer actions it will garner.

Centralize or Decentralize. As you wish.

Customize user roles, workflows, and notifications for an easy reputation management that is efficient and in line with your communication strategy. With our review management dashboards and apps you are in control. You can decide to manage review responses centrally through our AI Powered sentiment based automated response templates or give control to your locations to respond to each review manually through the dashboard or mobile app.

Proactively Monitor Trends by keeping an ear to the ground.

With insights from customer reviews, easily spot issues in different locations and use the insights to predict future problems at other locations. These insights can help you resolve customer issues proactively at a location level. You may have great brand ratings, but for a retail business what matters is how the real consumers perceive their interactions with your retail staff. Get a bird's eye view of what’s happening on the ground.

From Macro to Micro. From National to Hyperlocal.

As a famous saying goes “Retail is detail” - the more micro analysis you can get for your retail locations, better business outcomes you can drive. When it comes to analytics, every location matters and no two locations are the same. Get real-time analytics at the location level on your marketing campaigns and customer reviews with the SingleInterface Location Intelligence Platform. Our dashboard connects with multiple platforms and brings you insights from different locations & sources on a single dashboard.

One window to all your location insights.

The best way to simplify the understanding of your different location’s performance is by utilizing the centralised dashboard that allows you to organize and track each of your location from one central hub - no more juggling multiple platforms or different sources, simultaneously. Simply, access SingleInterface.

Collaborate with controlled decentralization.

Local managers know their store inside and out, so why not let them handle all of that expertise for you? With SingleInterface, Leverage local managers' expertise, maintain brand compliance in events like hours of operation, and keep customers informed at every turn by making sure they know about any special offers or deals currently going on locally that would make them want to visit your business.

User Roles - Central, Regional and Local

From local level admin, regional managers to brand managers, brand control is critical when you empower your teams. SingleInterface's flexible workflows support the processes and controls of your business so that location managers can have as much or as little responsibility for their data fields-from requesting edits to approving a change in any field including wordsmithing brand responses online.

Automate, what can be automated.

What if you could keep up with your store hours without having to log in? With SingleInterface’s direct integrations, we can automatically update your location data across all platforms. You don't have to worry about updating holiday information or features of interest because they can be just posted for you on a designated date and time!